Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leo at two months

Leo had his two month appointment today. He jumped from the 10th percentile to the 35th in weight, from the 31st to the 59th in height, and from a whopping 10th to an even more incredible 7.8th percentile in HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE!!! ...what can we say...we Hazembullers are pretty smart people.


kristib said...

You two make gorgeous children!

Coleman Family said...

He is getting so big, and looks just like his daddy.

Heath Thompson said...

WOW those kids are so ADORABLE!!! I could sneak them home with me! We need more boys! And yours are so cute! Looks like life is treating you all well! Love seeing updates!
We miss you guys! Happy Valentines Day! Don't forget The Thompson Troop LOVES YOU! xoxoxo
Kelly and Crew

Unknown said...

Leo esta cada dia mas lindo!!!

Marie W said...

He's already 2 months old??? SO, SO cute, you guys!

Sergio and Sarah said...

What a cute kid! He's sure got a winning smile! Seems like all is well out in Utah!
Te extraño compadre!

Mom+Girls said...

leo is so cute!!! My little Maddison is 11 weeks and I cant believe how fast time flies by!!!
Cute kids!!!
Thank you for sharing your pictures!