Monday, June 30, 2008

Rafa's B-Day Present - Thanks babe, I love it!


Kelly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You look another Wiser and Handsome too! We hope you had a Great day! We were so sad to hear you were in Florida and we didn't get to see you and your family. Bummer! My kids have taught Millie how to say Rafa... so she walks around saying Rafa... Rafa and they all laugh and cheer!
We Miss You! YOur present looks Awesome~!

Birding is Fun! said...

My ten year old nephew just got one of those for his birthday the other day and I was extremely jealous. Those kinds of toys are just so cool for boys of all ages.

Feliz Cumple!

nutrigina said...

so they say the only difference between a boy and a man is the price of his toys...

Unknown said...

che, parece el pibe que no tuvo infancia :) disimula que venimos del tercer mundo ra...