Saturday, January 5, 2008

Professional Pics

Our trip to Utah finally gave us enough time to schedule some professional pictures of Nico. Here are some of the results...


Alexa said...

What a turkey! He is so cute. Hey hope you don't mind, but Jeremy showed me your blog, so I thought I'd drop by. We're gonna miss you guys!

Crhistian said...

La verdad que el Nico es todo un surenio che!!!!!!!!!Relindo el pibe. Es lindo ver amigos progresando y llenos de felicidad.
How is that you guys were in UTAH?! I see how it works!!:(
Lexy in her comment said she will miss you guys. Are you moving back to Utah or is she from Utah and is sad you are going back East?!
Last week I had my hair cut, by TONY of course, and as always Rafa, you were in our conversation!!! Como dice la cancion? Aunque no lo veamos, el sol siempre esta...
Siempre estan presentes en nuestro corazon y mente.
Hasta cada momento
Crhistian y Heather Saez